The Institute is organized as research groups and education programs, and has not maintained strong department boundaries. However, faculty can be broadly grouped according to their disciplines which are given below. Apart from those listed below, the institute also has a number of Guest, Adjunct and Visiting faculty members in various disciplines. They can be found on this page.
Click below to display faculty members from a specific discipline.

Associate Professor (ECE, CSE)
PhD (2012), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Information Forensics and Security, Multimedia Signal Processing, Visual Surveillance and Deep Learning.

Head, Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2018), King's College, London
Social scientist with an interest in theories of the 'public sphere,' digital citizenship and civic media in India

Assistant Professor (HCD)
PhD (2017), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Wearable Computing, Design Research, Education Technology

Professor (ECE)
PhD (2003), IIT-Delhi
OFDM based Optical Core and Access Networks, Long Reach PONs, Optical Wireless Communication Systems, Fi-Wi Architectures, Optical Signal Processing, Green Telecom Networks

Associate Professor (ECE, CSE)
PhD (2012), University of British Columbia
Compressed Sensing, Low-rank matrix recovery, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Color Imaging

Professor (ECE)
PhD (2006), IIT-Delhi
Statistical Signal Processing, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Higher education policy and Assessment.

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2015), IIT-Delhi
Ultra Low Power In-Memory Compute for edge computing and machine learning applications, Safety and security in hardware,Error resilient energy efficient systems.

Professor (Math)
PhD (2006), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Algebraic Coding Theory, Number Theory and Algebra.

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2019), Stony Brook University
Low latency compute and machine learning services, video streaming and physical layer of wireless networks.

Assistant Professor (CB)
PhD (2018), CSIR-IGIB
Deciphering the mechanism of CRISPR-Cas9, Elucidating molecular interactions in the reverse cholesterol pathway, Structural genomic problems

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2016), Arizona State University, USA
Cyber Security, Reinforcement Learning and IoT

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2018), The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Partial Differential Equations

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2018), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Distributed Machine Learning, Concurrent Data Structures, Neural Architecture Search, and Learned Index Structures.

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2009), Boston University, USA
Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, Algorithms, Cryptography

Associate Professor (CB, CSE)
PhD (2014), Jadavpur University
Computational genomics, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2017), Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad
Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory

Associate Professor (CSE, Math)
PhD (2008), Korea University, Korea
Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Cyber Security, Information Theory

Head, Professor (CB)
PhD (1996), Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh.
Development of open source resources, Application of machine learning techniques, Genome based-techniques

Associate Professor (CB)
PhD (2007), CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Complex Systems, Computational and Systems Biology, Complex Networks, Bioinformatics

Assistant Professor (CB)
PhD (2015), University of Cologne, Germany
Identification, deorphanization and characterization of ectopically expressed GPCRS

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2017), Iowa State University
Natural Resource & Agricultural Economics, Ecological Economics, Applied Econometrics, Industrial Organization, Applied Game Theory, Spatial Analyses, Remote Sensing

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2016), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Urban informal labour and livelihood patterns with an emphasis on the question of technology, caste and gender

Assistant Professor (ECE)
PhD (2019), Wireless Communications, CEA-LETI and Telecom ParisTech, France
Stochastic geometry, millimeter-wave communications, 5G network planning, and signal processing for 5G waveforms

Assistant Professor (HCD)
DPhil (2012), University of Oxford
Human-Centred Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Design Methodology, and Participatory Innovation of Emerging Technologies

Assistant Professor (CSE, HCD)
PhD (2018), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Spain
Human-Robot Interaction, Affective Computing and Machine Learning

Assistant Professor (CB)
PhD (2019), IIT Delhi
Cancer genomics, personalized medicine, drug design and discovery

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2015), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Applied and Computational Analysis, Geometry and Topology

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2018), Washington State University
Microeconomics, game theory, industrial organization, environmental economics and behavioral economics

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2017), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Multimedia Systems, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2013), LUISS University, Rome
Ethics of digital dissent, digital citizenship, whistle blowing, civil disobedience, secrecy, and epistemic injustice.

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2019), IIT Patna
Sentiment and Emotion Analysis in the Natural Language Processing domain, Dialog Management and Multimodal Analysis.

Professor (ECE)
PhD (2009), Cardiff University, UK
RF Measurements, PA Design and Linearization, RF Systems, Software Defined Radio

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2018), Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA
Count data and statistical modeling

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2017), Osaka University, Japan
Affective Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual-Spatial Cognition, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning-Memory

Professor (CSE)
PhD (1995), Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India
Information integration, Master data management, AI based entity analytics, big data analytics and applications, and blockchain data management

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2016), IIT-Bombay
Networked Systems, Wireless Networks, Mobile Systems

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2013), NSSR, New York, USA
Kantian transcendental Idealism, Husserlian phenomenology, Social and Political Philosophy

Associate Professor (CSE, Math)
PhD (2010), Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Computer graphics, volume rendering, 3D reconstruction

Distinguished Professor (CSE)
PhD (1985), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Software Engineering, Fault Tolerance, Distributed Systems.

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2017), IIT Delhi
Demographic Anthropology, Family and Kinship, Transnationalism, Gender and Technology and Media Representation

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2018), IIT-Delhi
System security, safe languages, virtualization and dynamic/static techniques to build systems

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2018), London School of Economics and Political Science, London
Distinctiveness of everyday political practices in new urban spaces

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2012), IIT- Delhi
Optimization for signal processing & communications

Professor (CSE)
PhD (2004), Inria-Rennes, University de Rennes 1, France
Mobile Systems and Applications, Middleware, ICT for Development

Associate Professor (CSE)
PhD (2011), University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Software Engineering, Program Analysis, Runtime Verification, Specification Mining, Automatic Program Repair

(on Leave)
Associate Professor (CSE, Math)
PhD (2007), University of Iowa, USA
Algorithms, Graphs, Combinatorial Optimization

Head (HCD), Assistant Professor (CSE, HCD)
PhD (2017), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Multimedia, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2015), Pennsylvania State University
Communication and Cooperation in Games, Political Economy and Market Design

Assistant Professor (ECE)
PhD (2013), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Computational nanoelectronics, spintronics, quantum transport simulation, device modeling, materials modeling, and multiscale modeling

Director and Professor (ECE)
PhD (1995), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Secure communications, coding theory, 5G security, wireless security, physical layer security and broadband wireless access.

Assistant Professor (ECE)
PhD (2015), Indian Institute of Science, Banglore
Causal Inference, Survival analysis, and sparsity in Bayesian neural networks

Assistant Professor (HCD)
PhD (2020), IIT, Delhi
Perceptual foundations of Design, Inclusive Design and Accessibility, Product Design & Modern Prototyping

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2021), IIT Bombay
Software-Defined Networking, Data plane programming, 4G/5G mobile networks

Associate Professor (CSE, ECE)
PhD (2013), Rutgers University, NJ, USA
Computer Vision, Image and Scene Understanding, Robust Statistical Methods, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2014), Columbia University, USA
Network Anonymity and Privacy, Network Surveillance and Anti-Censorship and Network and Distributed Systems Security

(on Leave)
Associate Professor (Math)
PhD (2012), IIT Bombay
Finite Fields and Combinatorics

Assistant Professor (ECE)
PhD (2017), University of New South Wales
Space vehicle guidance, navigation and control, orbit determination, GNSS-based navigation, non-linear dynamics and estimation algorithms

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2011), Rutgers University, USA
Age-of-Information, Networking for Cyber Physical Systems, Networks of Autonomous Vehicles, and Autonomous Driving

Head, Assistant Professor(Math)
PhD (2013), The Pennsylvania State University
Mathematical Logic - intuitionistic logic and paraconsistent logics

Associate Professor (Math)
PhD (2009), University of South Carolina.
Multiscale models and robust numerical algorithms for complex systems

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2018), University of Waterloo, Canada
Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras

Assistant Professor (ECE)
PhD (2016), IIT Delhi
Ultra-thin and high-efficiency photovoltaics, Strong light-matter interaction in photonic crystals

Assistant Professor (ECE)
PhD (2019), IIT-Delhi
Adaptive control for uncertain switched systems, online approximate optimal control using reinforcement learning based solutions, adaptive backstepping control

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2017), Pennsylvania State University
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2011), SOAS University of London, London
Waste, Anthropocene; Climate Change; Sociology of Risk, Science, Technology & Society; Stigma and Contamination; Labour and Ritual Practices

Head, Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2009), University of Texas at Austin
Radar \ Antennas

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2017), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Social Media, IT and Urban Middle Class, Virtual Community and Solidarity, Privacy, Surveillance and IT

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2012), IIT-Delhi
Nanoelectronics, Exploratory Electronic Devices, Energy-Efficient Systems, VLSI Design and Verification and CAD for VLSI.

Assistant Professor (Math)
PhD (2017), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Number theory, in particular analytic number theory, L-functions, distribution of sequences modulo one

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2012), Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany
Role of attention in visual processing, studying mechanisms of emotion and motion perception

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2014), Pennsylvania State University
Political economy, microfinance and economics of digital marketing

Associate Professor (CB)
PhD (2004), IIT- Madras
Systems biology, Cell division cycle, Circadian rhythms, Computational cognitive neuroscience

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2017) Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Symmetric-key Cryptanalysis, lattice-based cryptography, blockchains and random graphs

Assistant Professor (Math)
Ph.D. (2013), IIT Kanpur
High order schemes for numerical solution of partial differential equations, Optimal control theory, Parallel implementation of computational fluid dynamics related problems.

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2012), Washington State University
Multi-core processor architectures, Wireless network on-chip, Emerging interconnection technologies for multi-core chips

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2013), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Intelligent, Reconfigurable and Self-sustainable wireless radio, Machine learning for wireless networks, Algorithms to architectures

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2015), IIT-Delhi
Theoretical computer science and discrete optimization

Professor (ECE)
PhD (2005), Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Convolutional Neural Networks for some image processing tasks

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2015), IIT Kharagpur
Network Science, Data Mining and Data-driven Cybersecurity, Natural Language Processing

Associate Professor (CB)
PhD (2014), CSIR-IGIB,
Biomedical Informatics, AI in Healthcare, Systems and Networks Medicine

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2016), Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA
Knowledge Graphs/Semantic Web, Ontology modeling and reasoning, Linked Data, Big Data

Assistant Professor (SSH)
PhD (2013), Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
ICTs and Society, Information Literacy, Data Literacy, E-Health, M-health, Social media for Health

Associate Professor (CB)
PhD (2007), Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto), Finland
Genomics, statistical signal processing, structural biology

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2018), IIT Mandi
Modelling and coding, voice biometrics, pathological speech and audio categorization

Associate Professor (ECE)
PhD (2011), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Device-to-device communication, Visible Light Communication, Hybrid VLC-RF architecture, Proof-of-concept testbeds and experimental validation

Assistant Professor (CSE)
PhD (2014), Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University
Parallel programming models and runtime systems
Visiting Faculty
Abhijit Mitra
(DST Inspire Faculty)
PhD (2017), under joint Indo-UK collaboration between IIT Delhi and British Telecom (BT), UK in the area of Elastic Optical Networks.
Elastic Optical Networks, Passive Optical Networks and integrated wireless infrastructure, Quantum Key Distribution
Swapna Purandare
(Ramanujan Fellow SERB-DST)
PhD (2014), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Evolutionary Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, Bioinformatics, NGS, eDNA, Metagenomics
Acushla Saraswat
PhD (2018), University of Mumbai
Differential Geometry, with an emphasis on the study of the Laplacian
Aman Samuel
MBA (2016), University of Madras, MCA (2004), IGNOU
Game development, digital audio-video production workflow, virtual productions and simulations, media studies, procedural sound design
Amrit Srinivasan
PhD (1984), University of Cambridge, UK
The comparative study of knowledge and culture; violence, civil society and the state; sustainability and lifestyle change; women's work, family and the professions; Information Technology and the Indian service economy.
Anoop Ratn
MFA, Teerthanker Mahaveer University
Animation Film Making, Gaming, Concept Arts
Anupam Saronwala
MS (1981) in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University
Charter Member of TiE and a member of Indian Angel Network
Bijendra Nath Jain
(Visiting Distinguished Professor)
PhD (1975) SUNY, Stony Brook (NY)
Computer Networks and Systems, including Wireless Networks, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks and in Information Security
C. Anantaram
PhD (1999), IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
Knowledge systems, Natural language processing for business applications, Artificial development, and Formal concept analysis
G.S. Visweswaran
PhD (1980), IIT-Delhi
CAD of VLSI, Design of Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Circuits
Indrani De Parker
PhD (2020), IIT- Mumbai
Design Drawing, Visual Design, Design Fundamentals, Design Thinking Processes, Design Concerns and Context, Design Perspectives, Notion of the Self for the Designer
Manohar Khushalani
Bacherlor in Civil Engineering from BITS Pilani Courses on 3D Modelling and Finite Element analysis from IIT, Delhi
Former Director, Environment and Sociology, at the National Water Academy, Khadakwasla, & Member Secretary, National Environmental Monitoring Committee for River Valley Projects
Pankaj Vajpayee
MBA-Finance (1993), University of Delhi
Investment banking, portfolio investment advisory activities
Payel C Mukherjee
PhD (2016), IIT Gandhinagar
Theories of Cosmopolitanism, Home, and History of Ideas in South Asian Studies
Samaresh Chatterji
PhD (1979), Wayne State University, Detroit
Former Dean - Academic Programs, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar Abstract Algebra, Graph Theory [Since Jan 2013]
Shweta Singh
Theories of reasons in moral decision making, Interplay of moral particularism in Buddhist Ethics, and philosophy of critical thinking
Sudhanshu Shekhar Jamuar
PhD (1977), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Analog and Digital Circuit Design, Instrumentation Systems, Communication Systems.